My 12yr Old Boston Terriers Cbc Came Back Clean Why Is She Drinking Excessively


Тема №14023

Ответы к тесту по английскому языку 50 вопросов

Рассмотрим промежуточный тест по английскому языку. Тест на времена глаголов, в котором необходимо выбрать один правильный ответ.

Last June my brother (1) —— a car. He had had an old scooter before, but it (2) —— several times during the spring. "What you want is a second hand Mini," I suggested. "If you give me the money," he said, "(3) —— one tomorrow." "I can't give you the money," I replied, "but what about Aunt Myra? She must have enough. We (4) —— her since Christmas but she always hints that we (5) —— go and see her more often." We told our parents where we were going. They weren't very happy about it and asked us not to go. So (6) —— . But later that same day something strange (7) —— . A doctor (8) —— us that Aunt Myra (9) —— into hospital for an operation. " (10) —— go and see her at the same time," said my mother. "You two go today but don't mention the money." When we (11) —— , Aunt Myra (12) ——. "I'm not seriously ill," she said, "but the doctor insists that (13) —— to drive my car. You can have it if you promise (14) —— me to the seaside now and again." We agreed, and now we quite enjoy our monthly trips to the coast with Aunt Myra.

1. A) wanted to buy
B) wanted buying
C) liked to buy
D) liked buying
2. A) was breaking down
B) was breaking up
C) had broken down
D) had broken up
3. A) I get
B) I'm getting
C) I'm going to get
D) I'll get
4. A) are not seeing
B) haven't seen
C) didn't see
D) don't see
5. A) should B) shall
C) would D) will
6. A) that we haven't
B) that we didn't
C) we haven't
D) we didn't
7. A) occurred B) took the place
C) passed D) was there
8. A) rang for telling B) rang to tell
C) rung for telling D) rung to tell
9. A) had gone B) had been
C) has gone D) has been
10. A) We may not all
B) We can't all
C) All we can't
D) All we may not
11. A) have come there
B) were arriving
C) got there
D) came to there
12. A) was seeming quite happily
B) was seeming quite happy
C) seemed quite happily
D) seemed quite happy
13. A) I'm getting so old
B) I'm getting too old
C) I get so old
D) I get too old
14. A) taking B) bringing
C) to take D) to bring

15. Can this camera —— good
A) make B) to make
C) take D) to take
16. Who was the first person ——
A) spoke to you
B) you spoke to
C) you spoke
D) whom you spoke
17. I can't find the book —— .
A) nowhere B) everywhere
C) anywhere D) somewhere
18. There was a house at —— .
A) the mountain foot
B) the foot of the mountain
C) the feet of the mountain
D) the mountain's foot
19. A person who talks to —— is not
necessarily mad.
A) himself B) oneself
C) yourself D) itself
20. I'll be 13 tomorrow, —— ?
A) am I B) aren't I
C) won't I D) will I
21. Did you hear —— Julie said?
A) what B) that
C) that what D) which
22. Spanish people usually speak ——
than English people.
A) quicklier B) more quicklier
C) more quickly D) more quicker
23. That old lady can't stop me ——
the tennis match on my radio.
A) to listen
B) listening
C) listen to
D) listening to
24. I haven't got a chair —— .
A) to sit B) for to sit on
C) to sit on D) for sitting
25. —— at the moment, I'll go to the
A) For it doesn't rain
B) As it doesn't rain
C) For it isn't raining
D) As it isn't raining
26. Bill drinks —— whisky.
A) any B) none
C) too many D) so much
27. —— are very intelligent.
A) Both of them B) Both them
C) Both they D) They both

28. In a shop —— customers.
A) it is important pleasing
B) it is important to please
C) there is important pleasing
D) there is important to please
29. Please don't leave your books on
the table. —— so that we can have
room to eat.
A) Put off them
B) Take them off
C) Pick them off
D) Pick up them
30. —— in my class likes the teacher.
A) All persons B) All pupils
C) Everyone D) All people
31. We expected about 20 female
candidates but there were ——
people there.
A) another B) others
C) some D) more
32. Your bicycle shouldn't be in the
house! —— !
A) Take it out B) Get out it
C) Put it off D) Take away it
33. What time does the bus ——
A) go away to B) go away for
C) leave to D) leave for
34. She —— be Canadian because she's
got a British passport.
A) can't B) isn't able to
C) mustn't D) doesn't need
35. "Our daughter —— ", they said.
A) was born since three years
B) is born for three years ago
C) was born three years ago
D) has been born since three years ago
36. When —— English?
A) has he begun to study
B) has he begun study
C) did he begin to study
D) did he begin study
37. "Do you want some cheese?" "No,
—— ."
A) I've some still
B) I still have much
C) I don't want
D) I've still got some
38. Brenda likes going to the theatre
and —— .
A) so do I B) so go I
C) so I like D) so I am
39. —— from London to Edinburgh!
A) How long there is
B) What a long way it is
C) What distance is there
D) How long is

40. He's a good guitarist, but he plays
the piano —— .
A) quiet well B) too hardly
C) very good D) much better
41. When you go to the shops, bring
me —— .
A) a coke bottle
B) two cokes bottles
C) a bottle of coke
D) two bottle of cokes
42. Molly doesn't eat fish. —— .
A) So doesn't John
B) Neither does John
C) John doesn't too
D) John doesn't that either
43. The airport is five miles —— .
A) away from here
B) from here away
C) far from here
D) far away from here
44. Please ask —— and see me.
A) to Bill to come B) Bill to come
C) to Bill come D) Bill come
45. She always buys —— my birthday.
A) anything nice to
B) anything nice for
C) something awful to
D) something awful for
46. Is he a friend —— ?
A) of yours B) of you
C) to yours D) to you
47. She hardly ever eats —— potatoes.
A) or bread or
B) bread or
C) neither bread or
D) neither bread nor
48. This is the record that we —— .
A) like so much
B) are liking so much
C) like it much
D) are liking it much
49. She's going to buy —— new
A) some pair of B) some
C) a little D) this
50. "Is she going to school?" "No,
—— ."
A) she doesn't
B) she's cycling
C) she gets by bus
D) to the shops

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