Again Week 2 - Gods Will in Our Weakness

"What might modify in our life if we really believed… in our guts that God sees us and He hears u.s.a.? What sin might we walk away from? What confidence might we proceeds? What if nosotros truly believed that God keeps his promises? How might we mine the Give-and-take of God for His promises? How might we cling to them when things are dry or stormy or dark?" – Matt Chandler,Our Story in Exodus

Have you ever prayed a super risky prayer of willingness, offer upward to God that if He could employ someone like you lot – whatever it is that He'southward calling you to –you'd do it?

"Here I am, Lord. Use me."

You lot want to be used. Y'all've prayed to be used. You may have even walked an aisle at one signal, post-obit a clear move of the Spirit, to boldly say "yes" to doing great things for God.

Except, of class, you actually didn't mean that you'd do justanything.

If you lot're like me, you lot may take fifty-fifty had the perfect ministry scenario friction match-up already scripted out in your mind. Surely He'd employ my most obvious strengths, in my most ideal location, to impact my preferred demographic, and it would all come up together in the nearly efficient, angelic sort of way down to the very last item, right? Heh.

Boy, does God accept a sense of humor.

Facing Goliath definitely wasn't David'south most obvious strength, inbound the king of beasts's den wasn't Daniel's virtually ideal location, reaching the people of Nineveh wasn't Jonah's preferred demographic, and xl years in the desert most certainly wasn't the Israelites' well-nigh efficient road.

And eloquent speaking before a really intimidating, powerful national leader for certain wasn't on Moses' top ten list. Render to Egypt and free the Israelites from slavery? Surely God was confused. In fact,Moses wasn't asking to exist used, and he definitely wasn't feeling equipped for the task.

Out of the burning bush he had heard the Lord call His proper name. " Here I am," Moses had answered, non yet knowing Who was calling or what was at pale. Simply after hearing God'south version of his adjacent assignment, Moses opposed God at every angle equally his brokenness surfaced and his fearfulness and weakness overwhelmed him…

Who am I, Lord?

In Moses' first xl years he had been somebody – a rescued, protected, provided for, favored, influential prince of Egypt. But one life-altering decision had sent him running for his life and into obscurity for the adjacent forty. Moses went from residing in the palace to herding sheep in the desert – an official, unqualified "nobody" in the eyes of the Egyptians. Surely at that place'southward been a mistake, God. You're going to use this lowly outcast to practise great things for Yous? I don't retrieve then.

But God answered: I will be with you lot. I'll do the piece of work. My strong hand volition guide y'all. I will provide for you. It will come to laissez passer and you'll know without a doubt that I AM was the One who sent you.

No one volition heed to somebody like me.

Fearfulness of man began to overwhelm Moses. He knew the Egyptians were a tough oversupply, and his condolement zone for the last twoscore years had to practise a whole lot with convincing sheep to follow him instead of people. If his age, occupation, and foreigner-status weren't enough, then returning to the scene of his crime surely was the convincing disqualifier. I've lost all respect from these people, God. I'g not your guy.

Just God answered: My ability will be with you, Moses. I'll equip you lot with signs and miracles – not just one, not two… but three of them, but to be certain that they'll listen. "This," said theLord, "is then that they may believe that theLord, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to yous."

I don't take the right gifts.

As Moses began to break down simply exactly what God was asking him to do, his greatest weakness began to stare him in the face and paralyze him with fear. Moses didn't take the gift of speaking. In fact, God wanted to bring Moses' greatest weakness to the forefront in what already seemed like an impossible job! With so many cards already stacked against him, Moses knew that he didn't stand up a hazard once he opened his mouth. Lord, I can't speak – never could, never volition. I'thou so weak. Delight… I'm not cut out for this.

But God answered: I made you. I know you. I love y'all. I will speak for y'all.  "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, theLord? Now become; I will help yous speak and will teach y'all what to say."

Someone else is more qualified.

An exasperated Moses objected and pleaded once more,"Pardon your servant, Lord. Please transport someone else." I'm DYING, you guys."Pardon, Lord?"Later all of that? Let'due south non forget that the God of heaven is miraculously actualization before Moses in a burning bush. He has already promised signs and wonders, and has patiently reminded Moses over and over that He is Creator, Sustainer, and Lord above all. But in his brokenness, Moses plays the comparison game in one final ditch effort to exit of this thing. Some people are made for things like this, God. Clearly, Yous've fabricated a error.

At present before we brainstorm to criticize Moses, don't y'all see? This is the states.

Like Moses, we get hung up on the mistakes of our past, the limitations of our present, and the impossibilities of our future. Nosotros name ourselves broken instead of fixing our eyes on Jesus who came to redeem our sin – by, present, and future – in one case and for all. We name ourselves inadequate instead of looking to our strong Father who is willing and able to apply His sufficient strength to our present weakness. We name our situation incommunicable instead walking in the Spirit who lives and longs to do the impossible through broken vessels merely like us.

We were never meant to exist good plenty. We were meant to come to the end of ourselves and then that we tin can be rescued and and then residual in the peachy I AM.

Child of God, He names you chosen.

And He doesn't brand mistakes. God had been faithful to Moses in the by, and He wasn't virtually to get out him now…

And He'll practice the aforementioned for you lot.

At His feet,

*Permit's talk: How are y'all letting fear and weakness prevent you from doing what God is asking you lot to practise? What's ane way y'all tin balance in God'due south faithfulness today every bit you say "yes" to Him?

Week two Video:

If you can't run across this video, yous can view it hither.

Calendar week 2 Challenge: Write a list of the ways that God has been true-blue to yous in the by. Let this list be a reminder of who God is and how He is able to help you overcome your fear and weakness equally you say "yes" to Him.

Week ii Reading Plan:

Week 2 Memory Verse:

Today begins WEEK 2 of our Cleaved & Redeemed study! If you're merely now joining us… y'all can grab a copy of our Broken & Redeemed journal on Amazon hither or download it at this location.

We also take a respective kid'southwardBroken & Redeemed journal geared for children in elementary grades. You can grab a copy on Amazon at this location.

Grab your favorite potable, crack open your Bible, andtogether let'southward rejoice with the broken and redeemed of God.



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